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Spring Skill Sessions

We are hosting spring skill sessions on Sunday's at Crowchild Arena. These sessions are completely
optional for those that would like to participate.

We are only offering a full session pass, but we are allowing skaters to "share" a pass. So one skater can purchase a pass and allow another skater to use their pass on days they aren't going. If you have any questions please reach out to us! 

Skill sessions will be coached by Marta Pietrasik, Kim Weeks, and Jalena Bertagnolli

Dates (7 sessions):
    - April 13  (Coached by Jalena) 
    - April 27  (Coached by Jalena)
    - May 4  (Coached by Marta) 
    - May 11  (Coached by Kim)
    - May 25  (Coached by Jalena) 

    - June 8  (Coached by Marta)
    - June 15  (Coached by Kim) 






Sessions for:

Star 4 (Preferably one year completed)



Sunday's at Crowchild Arena

1:30pm - 2:30pm
Dates (7 sessions):
    - April 13, 27
    - May 4, 11, 25
    - June 8, 15


Sessions for:






Sunday's at Crowchild Arena

2:30pm - 3:30pm
Dates (7 sessions):
    - April 13, 27
    - May 4, 11, 25
    - June 8, 15


We commit to work hard and respect each other in order to have fun, pursue excellence and reach our goals.